5/28/2005 Well, I've been surfing the web for the latest Jaina Solo fan art and I've made a dent. There's alot
out there, some good, some not so good. I've done my best to select some of the best, and have added any you folk have
sne to me that I've been to lazy to put up, lol. It looks great! Keep it comming in, and I'll continue to post
it. I've added a new goodie to the multimedia section too, and I'm working on a page about me, the mysterious webmistress....
New poll too!!! Have fun!
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/25/2005 Thanks to all you have kept me in their thoughts and prayers. I'm doing much better and have no
hate or anger, just a great sadness that someone could do this to another person. It's hard to beleive. I'm just
gonna move on and lean on the Lord. The site activity seems to be picking up once again. Thanks to all you loyals
who seem to be comming back!!! I love ya!!!
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/23/2005 Site's got a few new features you can check out, and I've moved a few things sot that it looked cleaner, and
not so jumbled. I'd like it if you all would keep me in your thoughts and prayers too. It turns out my boyfriend
was cheeting on his "ex-girlfriend" with me all this past semestre. I'm hurt of course, so if you could just pray for
healing, that would be most welcomed. If you have an encouraging thought or prayer, please e-mail it to me ( raiderjainasolo@msn.com ) Thanks so much! I've always said that SW fans were the kindest people I've had the pleasure to know.
God belss.
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/20/2005 Episode III is AMAZING!!!!!! This is a must see for all good SW fans. I don't want to spoil
the film, but if you want up to date info on the film, got to TFN. Also, TheNextAmidala.com has got it's review up and I echo her sentiments. Enjoy and may the Force be with you!!!
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/18/2005 Episode III opens tomorrow!!!!! For Latest news for fans of Padme, check out TheNextAmidala.com and NataliePortman.com. Also, TFN, as always, is doing a fine job of keeping us fans happy and updated. :D OK, new for today, the poll has finally
been updated. It seems to me that everyone love the Solo twins as kids, cause "Jaya" came in first, followed close behind
by "Sword of the Jedi" and "Sticks." Ya gotta love a good nickname. Oh, speaking of love, yesterday was me and
my boy's two month anniversery (dating that is)! Love ya, kiddo!!!! ~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/17/2005 As you can see I've now updated a whole ton of stuff for you. Broken links are deleted or fixed
as the case may be. New pics up in the gallery. Home page has a slight new look, and I've moved all the old buisness
to the archives. I've deleted the newsletter due to lack of subscribers, too. Sorry to those who did have an intrest. Anywhoo,
more goodies to come. If you want to help me make a new banner for the welcome page, please by all means send it to
me!!! I'd be much obliged. Oh yeah, I announced the contest winner after all this time. You guys who won,
e-mail me so I can send you your prizes (though by this time, the prizes have kinda changed.) If you've got an idea
for another contest, lemme know! Oh, btw, Episode III opens in just a day!!!!! I've got my tickets, do you?
Well if you don't, get to Fandango and get 'em!!! Tootles!
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/17/2005 OK, it's been far too long since I updated this site! The truth is that I'm off at college half
the year. My goal, however is to hve the site updated enough to keep you loyal fans comming back until I can get this
thing going again. I can't believe I abandoned this for so long. So I'm gonna need your help to get the site a
new face, as it were. Send in whatever you all have been working on all this time, pics, stories, games, ect. and I'll
do my best to get it all up. Meanwhile, I'm gonna get what I can off the net and add to the site. Theres allot I've
not put up here! You with me? Let's get moving. I'll start with the first update! ~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
10/20/2003 Well, it's that time again, another contest shall close soon, BUT I'll give it until the end of
this week if anyone would like to submit any more art. That's right, you now have until the 24th to send me stuff. Thax
to those who sent me stuff, I've got them up on the contests page. Got some more lyrics up. Thax Gloria
for sendin' 'em!!! As you can tell, I like getting stuff for the site and it makes me sad when I see an empty in box,
so SEND STUFF!!!! E-mail me, take up my time for goodness sake!! I like talking to ppl!!! Thax to everyone who
so actively is involved in the site now, you know who you are. Thank you all!! More stuff come the end of the
week, so until then, MTFBWY!!!!
8/18/2003 Sorry I took so long on updating, I've had a pretty busy summer! If you
haven't been following the tagboard, then it's time for me to officially announce the winner to the Jaina/Jacen contest! AND
SHEA!! Congrats, Shea! You can contact me as to the prize via E-mail.
This means a new contest, folks! This one is a Jaina scene from any
book in the NJO. This is going into a gallery all its own dedicated to the memories of the NJO series, now that it is
almost over. Yes folks, two more books and the war is over. Now all we have to worry about is the aftermath (*crosses
her fingers* please say she gets married! please say she gets married!) So get those pencils drawing, and pull
up that photo shop program, this is gonna be good! And thax go to all who submitted art to the contest!
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
7/29/2003 Only a few more days until the contest ends, so get those submissions in!!! I've
got two more up at the contests page so hurry before it's too late! The only other big news is that I will be doing
the voice for Jaina in the New Jedi Order video game "The Invasion Begins"! I'm quite excited! New poll, too, folks,
so I now know that this site really is dedicated to fanart! Vote soon ppl! Oh yeah, and check out the new fanfic
by Firey. It Rox! That's all till this weekend when I announce the winner!
7/9/2003 Just updated the links page and added some new Japanese covers and some American ones
I hadn't gotten around to putting up. News Archives is up (never thought I'd ever have one!) As
usual, if you have any fan stuff, send it allong. Don't forget about the contest, time is ticking away.
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
7/2/2003 The contest's page is up, so check that out. New stuff in the art gallery too.
I need a new poll, any ideas? Thanks to StarMaster for his submissions! And I've posted the addy to my blog, if
you can to read it!
6/17/03 Big update, being as I've added two more pages. One is dedicated to Tahiri Veila
(Yes, I just finished Remnant) and the other being the Lyrics page. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
5/24/03 Just added some fanart and the Avatars are up. You now can link in and out to my site with the my
new links. Please feel free to create some links and send them to me if you want. As always, fanart is welcome!
5/19/03 WOW!!! Over 2000 visitors!!!!! I can't beleive it. You all have made my
day!! Thank you for enjoying my website, and I hope that I'll see 5000 soon! I'm proud to announce the creation
of a new page: Multimedia! You now can download wallpaper and comming soon: avatars for your AIM and links to the site.
The fun just keeps on comming! ~~~~~~~~~]<<<<
5 /18/03 Hey all! Sorry I haven't gotten the Newsletter out yet, but I have very few ppl
to send it to! So, sign up!! Tell a friend!! Ok, so I've added the fanlistings I've joined and two new Affiliates,
give a big hello to OtherSide of the Sky and Rebel Chick! As always, keep that fanart comming and send in some fan fic!!
~~~~~~~~~]<<<< Jaina
4/3/03 Hats off to StarMaster who sent me some great FanArt from all around the net.
I've got more coming so keep checking out the site. BTW, sign up for Goddess Glitz the newsletter, to get regular
updates on the site and contest news. The first edition will be sent out next week, so sign up soon, let your
friends know, spread the word!
4/2/03 Ok, I've updated the site with lots of new goodies! First, I've started a new
POLL! Next, I've updated the COUNTER, to look slick. And last, but definately, not least, I HAVE A WEB RING!!!!!
So I'm pretty excited about this!! The links to the FanFic are updated, sorry it took so long, and I've got some new
FanArt, I've found. So, vist, vote, join, and tell a friend, or two, or three....
3/28/03 OMG!!!! I've had nearly 1,500 visiters to the site!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you
all SOOOOOOO much!! Now it's your turn to help me. I'm beginning to think that no one really cares about fan art
anymore, and that really makes me depressed. You see the reason no one won the Jacen/Jaina contest, is because no one
submitted any fan art! So I'm asking again: PLEASE SEND ME YOUR SUBMISSIONS!!!! Otherwise I'll have no reason
to update the site. If you are a true Jaina fan proove it! So me your apprishation for this site I've works so
hard on. Than you. ~~~~~~~~~]<<<<